Corporate Training

Corporate training is a vital aspect of any business, regardless of its size and scope. It involves providing employees with the necessary knowledge and skills to improve their performance, increase productivity, and contribute to the success of the organization. At Pathways Solution Services, we specialize in delivering high-quality corporate training programs that are designed to meet the unique needs of businesses.

Our senior consulting team, with over 15 years of experience in delivering corporate and staff trainings, has developed a range of training courses that cover a wide range of topics. We offer both instructional-led and LMS (E-learning) training courses, which can be completed successfully through our cloud-based Learning Management System (LMS).

Our training courses are delivered using a range of resources, such as PowerPoint presentations, group activities, videos, and other differentiated learning activities. We ensure that our training courses are interactive and engaging, which helps to improve the retention of knowledge and make learning enjoyable.

The cost of our training courses depends on a number of factors, including the number of delegates attending, the number of training courses booked, and the suggested dates for the training. We offer a premium discount to companies that choose us as their preferred trainer and coaching company annually.

Upon completing the training subject, each participant will receive a certificate of participation, and if needed, an accredited certificate can be arranged for an additional fee. Our training courses are popular, quite detailed, and on high demand. We promise to respond to all queries within 48 hours and provide written feedback to the HRM and CEO within 14 days after the training workshops.

At Pathways Solution Services, we are committed to providing quality corporate training, consultancy, coaching, mentoring, and business solutions. Our mission is to motivate, inspire and equip the workforce with the latest skills and knowledge to increase employee efficiency and productivity. Our services are delivered by competent, experienced, and highly skilled training consultants and coaches.

In conclusion, corporate training is essential for businesses that want to improve their performance, productivity, and competitiveness. At Pathways Solution Services, we provide high-quality training courses that are designed to meet the unique needs of businesses. Our training courses are delivered using a range of resources, and we offer both instructional-led and LMS (E-learning) training courses. Contact us today to learn more about our corporate training services.


We deliver the following training either as instructional led or LMS(E-Learning.
The E-Learning is a cloud-based Learning Management System (LMS) is ready to
go with our entire line-up of self-paced online courses. Every training course can
be completed successfully through our LMS and the learners we get a beautiful
certificate of achievement

Administrative Skills

1. Administrative Office Procedure
2. Administrative Support
3. Archiving and Records Management
4. Basic Bookkeeping
5. Business Writing
6. Collaborative business Writing
7. Executive and Personal Assistants
8. Meeting Management
9. Organization Skills
10. Social Media in the Workplace
11. Supply Chain Management

Career Development

  1. Assertiveness And Self-confidence
  1. Communication Strategies
  2. Creative Problem Solving
  3. Developing Creativity
  4. Digital Citizenship
  5. Entrepreneurship
  6. Interpersonal Skills
  7. mLearning Essentials
  8. Business Succession Planning
  1. Contract Management
  2. Crisis Management
  3. Develop A Lunch and Learn
  4. Diversity and Inclusion
  5. Employee onboarding
  6. Employee Recruitment
  7. Employee Termination Process
  8. Generation Gaps
  9. Health and Wellness at Work
  10. Hiring Strategies
  11. Human Resource Management
  12. Managing Workplace Harassment
  13. Negotiation Skills
  14. Personal Branding
  15. Project Management
  16. Telework and Telecommuting
  17. Ten Soft Skills You Need
  18. The Cloud and Business
  19. Time Management
  20. Women in Leadership

Human Resources

  1. Business Succession Planning
  2. Contract Management
  3. Crisis Management
  4. Develop A Lunch and Learn
  5. Diversity and Inclusion
  6. Employee onboarding
  7. Employee Recruitment
  8. Employee Termination Process
  9. Generation Gaps
  10. Health and Wellness at Work
  11. Hiring Strategies
  12. Human Resource Management
  13. Managing Workplace Harassment
  14. Negotiation Skills
  15. Personal Branding
  16. Project Management
  17. Telework and Telecommuting
  18. Ten Soft Skills You Need
  19. The Cloud and Business
  20. Time Management
  21. Women in Leadership
  22. Measuring Results from Training
  23. Millennial Onboarding
  24. Office Health and Safety
  25. Sensitivity Training
  26. Talent Management
  27. Train the Trainer
  28. Unconscious Bias
  29. Universal Safety Practices
  30. Workplace Bullying
  31. Workplace Diversity
  32. Workplace Harassment
  33. Workplace Violence

Personal Development

  1. Adult Learning – Mental Skills
  2. Adult Learning – Physical Skills
  1. Attention Management
  2. Being Likeable Boss
  3. Critical Thinking
  4. Emotional intelligence
  5. Emotional intelligence at Work
  6. Goal Setting and Getting Things done
  1. Improving Mindfulness
  2. Improving Self -Awareness
  3. Increasing Your Happiness
  4. Job Search Skills
  5. Life Coaching Essentials
  6. Managing Finances
  7. Managing Workplace Anxiety
  8. Personal Productivity
  9. Public Speaking
  10. Social Intelligence
  11. Social Learning
  12. Stress Management
  13. Taking Initiative
  14. Trust Building and Resilience
  15. Work- Life Balance

Human Resources

  1. Business Succession Planning
  2. Contract Management
  3. Crisis Management
  4. Develop A Lunch and Learn
  5. Diversity and Inclusion
  6. Employee onboarding
  7. Employee Recruitment
  8. Employee Termination Process
  9. Generation Gaps
  10. Health and Wellness at Work
  11. Hiring Strategies
  12. Human Resource Management
  13. Managing Workplace Harassment
  14. Negotiation Skills
  15. Personal Branding
  16. Project Management
  17. Telework and Telecommuting
  18. Ten Soft Skills You Need
  19. The Cloud and Business
  20. Time Management
  21. Women in Leadership
  22. Measuring Results from Training
  23. Millennial Onboarding
  24. Office Health and Safety
  25. Sensitivity Training
  26. Talent Management
  27. Train the Trainer
  28. Unconscious Bias
  29. Universal Safety Practices
  30. Workplace Bullying
  31. Workplace Diversity
  32. Workplace Harassment
  33. Workplace Violence

Supervisors And Managers

  1. Budgets And Financial Reports
  2. Coaching And Mentoring
  3. Conducting Annual
  4. Employee Reviews

4.Developing New Managers 5.Employee Motivation 6.Facilitation Skills

7.Knowledge Management 8.Leadership And influence

9.Lean Process And Six Sigma

10.Manager Management

  1. Middle Manager
  2. Office Politics For Managers
  3. Performance Management
  4. Self -Leadership
  5. Supervising others
  6. Team Building Through Chemistry
  7. Virtual Team Building Through Chemistry

Sales And Marketing

  1. Body Language Basics
  2. Call Centre Training
  3. Coaching Salespeople
  4. Contact Centre Training
  5. Creating a Great Webinar
  6. Employee Recognition
  7. Event Planning
  8. High Performance Teams Inside the Company
  9. High Performance Teams Remote Workforce
  10. In Person Sales
  11. Internet Marketing Fundamentals
  12. Marketing Basics
  13. Media And Public Relations
  14. Motivating Your Sales Team
  15. Multi-Level Marketing
  16. Overcoming Sales Objections
  17. Presentation Skills
  18. Proposal Writing
  19. Prospecting and Lead Generation
  20. Sales Fundamentals
  21. Servant Leadership
  22. Social Media Marketing
  23. Telephone Etiquette
  24. Top 10 Sales Secrets
  25. Trade Show Staff Training

Workplace Essentials

  1. Appreciative inquiry
  2. Business Acumen
  3. Business Ethics
  4. Business Etiquette
  5. Change Management
  6. Civility in The Workplace
  7. Conflict Resolution
  8. Customer Service
  9. Customer Support
  10. Cyber Security
  11. Delivering Constructive Criticisms
  1. Developing Corporate Behaviour
  2. Handling a Difficult Customer
  3. Networking Outside the Company
  4. Networking Within the Company
  5. Respect in the Workplace
  6. Responsibility in the Workplace
  7. Risk Assessment and Management
  8. Safety In The Workplace
  9. Team Building For Managers
  10. Teamwork And Team Building

Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS)

  1. Access 2016 Essentials
  2. Excel 2016 Essentials
  3. Outlook 2016 Essentials
  4. PowerPoint 2016 Essentials
  1. Word 2016 Essentials
  2. Excel 2016 Expert
  3. Word 2016 Expert